Thursday 21 April 2011

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"pemimpin pelapis gereja"

Simple backdrop
"planted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith" (Col 2:7) theme for the world youth day celebrated every year that falls on Palm Sunday... and as the youth leader in the parish, kami menyahut panggilan itu untuk gathered all the youths in the parish to celebrate them as young people.. as the gift of the Church.. but for me personally more in appreciating them so that they may feel the heart of belonging... as for me, this gathering help me to see the face of Jesus in them... i reaaly feel touched after seeing all the pic taken (courtesy to Mr Hermes for the pic)... i can say that i love them.. belia-belia ini seperti kain putih yang perlu dilukis warnanya... enjoy the pic!

our main speaker.. Seminarian Jeffrey Gumu,deacon to be.. lets continue to pray for him!!

using rocks to make the cross stand...

Group Sharing....


 their faces... can you see Jesus in them???

their ownself
their naturall looks
the smiless

Monday 18 April 2011

i was browsing movie on the Passion of the Christ  for my material for for youth program this Palm Sunday. and i found this video that touch me soo deep!!. is there any human being on this earth now punished, beaten and crucified like Jesus?? is there any??????? He is beaten and forced to carry the cross, the cross that belongs to us! but yet, He still said to the people, "bless them Father for they do not know what they have done"... is there anyone who dare to say this even when people let us down, when our own friend hurt us.. betray us?? even my self, its hard to forgive. yeah we can easily said that i forgive you, but deep in our heart its will leave scars and we might not forget the pain..and i am the one should crucified on that crosss!!! He died because of my sins! But my Jesus never fail us...  i admire Him soooo damn much.. watching this simple video taught me that there are no worldly love can give me such love... Worldly love failed me... hurts me.... and dissapoint me.. but Your love assure me, comfort me, heal me, strengthen me and above all gives me joy!!!